Australia: 1917-1988.
Slogan cancellations: A Telegraphic Code Address ... - Hobart.

Use of this slogan in Hobart: 7 June 1962 to 1 May1974.

None of the five formats for this slogan identified as being used at Hobart had a circular date stamp component. All were boxed with no Code number, either Code 1 or Code 2 or have a PAID inscription. All are Die 1 (30 mm wide for the first line of the slogan).

The listing below is chronological. The following Table provides a guide with hyperlinks:

Words at base Code number Earliest date Latest date % of Adelaide Census
TAS-AUST None 7 June 1962 9 August 1968 33
PAID None 4 June 1964   4
TAS - 7000 1 26 August 1970 1 May 1974 38
  2 19 April 1971 23 April 1971 25


Datestamp: Box;

Number: None;

Top inscription:
Hobart (2 mm high).

Base inscription:

Die 1: top line 30 mm long.

Earliest recorded date of this format:
7 June 1962.

Latest recorded date of this format:
9 August 1968.

Number in Census: 7.

Hobart 1962
7 June 1962.
Datestamp: Box;

Number: None;

Top inscription:
Hobart (3 mm high).

Base inscription:

Die 1: top line 30 mm long.
Double box - no time of posting.

Only recorded date of this format:
4 June 1964.

Number in Census: 1.

4 June 1964.

Datestamp: Double box.

Number: 1 (in sans serif font).

Top inscription:
HOBART (2.5 mm high, 13.3 mm wide)..

Base inscription:

Die 1: top line 30 mm long.
Double box.
Code number is in sans serif font.

Earliest recorded date of this format:
26 August 1970.

Latest recorded date of this format:
30 August 1970.

Number in Census: 4.

30 August 1970.
Datestamp: Box;

Number: 1 (in serif font).

Top inscription:
Hobart (2.5 mm high, 18 mm wide).

Base inscription:
TAS - 7000 (3 mm high).

Die 1: top line 30 mm long.
Code number is in serif font.

Earliest recorded date of this format:
25 June 1973.

Latest recorded date of this format:
1 May 1974.

Number in Census: 6.

Serif 1
25 June 1973.
Datestamp: Box;

Number: 2 (sans serif font).

Top inscription:
HOBART (2.5 mm high, 13.3 mm wide).

Base inscription:
TAS - 7000. (3 mm high)..

Die 1: top line 30 mm long.

Earliest date of this format:
19 April 1971.

Latest date of this format:
23 April 1971.

Number in Census: 6.

Code 2
19 April 1971.